Well, it’s officially ended - the Salvation Tour, & what a trip! We’ve got plenty of gigs to come this year (as usual) but the official tour to promote the new single/EP is over, the last night being NO kinda let-down at Hall Cross Rock Bar, Doncaster.
Where’ve we been to? let’s see - started 7th Feb in Kendal (up in Cumbria - you know, beautiful lakes & all that shit), then to Bolton (bikers galore), Limelight at Radcliffe Civic ("official" launch of the CD), Lancaster (back up north), Hyde, Bristol (nice to be down south again), Manchester (not for the 1st time & obviously not the last, our very own Grand Central), Leeds (awesome gig at the Uni), The Monsters Of Mosh Festival (awesome too, included Breed 77 & Blaze Bayley), Ramsbottom (a silly night of beer & craziness, happened to coincide with the "Rammy Mile"), and last but definitely not least, Doncaster on 22nd March. We missed Coventry ’cos the promoter pulled out of the venue & missed the Glass Barrel ’cos sadly the buggers shut down - v.sad to see this one go, had some great times there courtesy of John & Carolyn. So we ended up with 11 gigs on tour & loved (almost) every minute.
Thanx to everyone who came to support us, bought the CD, Tshirts etc, or who generally just helped us do what we do best - rock-out!!!!
We’ve just posted some new piccis here on MySpace, from the Doncaster gig. Thanx to Mick Ball for providing these.
This last weekend of the tour has been pretty mad really. As above the Ramsbottom gig was a little crazeeeee especially as it coincided with what’s known as the Rammy Mile, when the locals (& not so locals) trek round the town drinking every hostelry dry. Needless to say from early doors in the evening when we arrived to play, the punters were somewhat giddy (good word?) & we knew we were in for a lively night. Funny how people with a couple of drinks down them seem to take well to the Hot As FUK thongs & as usual we sold a few, which usually makes for some interesting cavorting as all manner of people decide to proudly show off their newly purchased underwear. The drunken-ness almost ended in tears twice over as firstly one young lady tried break-dancing in front of the band, tripped & fell into the stage area straight towards Martin’s beloved vintage drum kit - he was of course ready with two open strategically placed hands to break the young lady’s fall (ahem!!!!) only to be thwarted at the last moment as she regained consciousness (oh, sorry, I mean balance). A couple of the crew then spent the rest of the evening shepherding some highly drunken dudes back from the stage & PA system as they appeared as unsteady on their pins as the afore-mentioned young lady. We love playing the pub circuit as well as the so-called "better" quality venues but sometimes it can be a pain in the arse & although we still had a good time, this one was a bit much at times. All a bit tense, BUT we definitely appreciated the support from the more "sane?" supporters including Luke, Crazy Mike & Nick who did what they do best - headbanged, & the reasonably new crew members Amber & her mates (sorry, don’t know everyone’s name yet!) who supported the band this night, made us feel very welcome in town, headbanged & helped make it all worthwhile. Thanks all of you & we hope to see you again very soon. Enjoyed a beautiful chicken kebab afterwards....maximus shreddus & all that!
Onto Doncaster the next day. An early start to get over there (across the Pennines) wondering what the snow would be like (it was ok). In the venue early for soundchecks all done & dusted without incident. Time for food (a main theme amongst the crew this weekend) & off to KFC in two shifts & lots of buckets of chicken & fries all very nicely coooked by Colonel whatsisname....well worth a trip down to KFC by the way simply ’cos of all the young flesh on show in the local bars/alleys which one HAS to walk by to get to KFC - really has to be seen to be believed. Anyway we were staying over in the venue so packed all our sleeping bags up & the crew hit the bar whilst the band stayed sober til after the show. Hall Cross Rock Bar is a happy hunting ground for FUK & we’d not been there since the line-up of the band changed last October, so we were happy to show off the "new" guys & play the new set. Twas nice when Adam Reaperman was introduced to our host, Gary, who said "well you better be good or you’re fukin dead!". Thanks Gary, no pressure then? :) Anyway, twas an awesome night indeed, with much dancing/headbanging & some riotous moments especially when Chris made his way into the audience for some more shredding, the immortal Death By Lightning, & Iron Maiden’s Fear of The Dark once again proving a popular choice. More than one encore in the end & a right good do!
After the gig we all got strapped into some serious beer drinking & eventually made our very merry way upstairs where we passed a drunken & ridiculous time until the early hours when we eventually ran out of steam (lightweights). The camcorder was sneaking around as usual & some completely crazy shit was filmed much of which we can never show to anyone - we have several hours of this crazy immature stuff from various venues/tours/travelodges etc & one day we’ll edit it down a bit & release it unfairly on the world. The main features of this night were Crazy Mike’s hogging of the camera yet again - this guy gets some beer down him & goes from shy to extreme very quickly. When there’s a camera in the room his metamorphosis is then complete as he strives to make it into every shot possible. And also when a camera is out why is there always someone who wants to drop their trollies & show some crack? And what was Chris trying to do to Adam with that large pole & a corkscrew? And why did Nick look like a caterpillar? And why would Catt ever want to stay anywhere near us ever again? And why did Lynne tell someone to "f*k off!"? It’s all too much honestly, thank god this is a thinking man’s band??!!
Next morning, with several sore heads we eventually escaped the Hall Cross & had breakfast with Annette & Bo at a local park cafe they recommended which was bloody fantastic & totally cheap (always a help on the road). Once again food rears its’ ugly head. All without incident except for Crazy Mike who again gets a special mention for sulking his way through breakfast ’cos he was a sausage or bacon short - or something like that....Mike, live with it dude, we’ll treat you to an especially big breakfast next time, fill yer boots mate! :)
That’s it from FUK HQ. Big thanx again to everyone. We’ll see ya all very soon. Next gig is in a couple of weeks’ time at the Cricketers, Shaw. Some video & stuff coming soon.
Fury UK xxx